Ephemerality Residency Program

The Ephemerality Residency Program is designed for both established and budding independent creators. The program includes residencies in excluded locations and spaces in Brno, Czech Republic, in the period from August to October 2024.

The program consists of 9 residencies across various art forms (performing arts, music, visual arts, multimedia, and more). A total of 9 artistic platforms/ensembles/collectives, or individuals will participate in artistic residencies in three consecutive periods (each period will have a separate OPEN CALL announced). Each residency will last between 2-4 weeks (up to artists). The residencies are targeted at creators from three V4 countries - Poland, Hungary, and Slovakia. Specific artists or collectives will be selected from these countries through three open calls of residency program. Artists can apply in one or all three open calls for residencies.


Open Call Schedule

First Open Call: June 1, 2024 - Deadline: June 30, 2024, 23:59
>> Residency Period: August 2024

Second Open Call: July 1, 2024 - Deadline: July 31, 2024, 23:59
>> Residency Period: September 2024

Third Open Call: August 1, 2024 - Deadline: August 31, 2024, 23:59
>> Residency Period: October 2024


Submitted concepts for artistic interventions will be evaluated primarily based on the quality of execution, understanding and interpretation of the theme of ephemerality, the ability to artistically realize the concept, the use of the specific location of the residency, and the form of public presentation.

About Theme: Ephemerality
This residency program aims to highlight the theme of ephemerality and the fleeting nature of artworks across centuries while also relativizing this notion in the context of works that have survived through the ages. Additionally, the program opens up the theme of recycling not only as a global phenomenon affecting our daily lives but also in the context of artistic creation and intellectual property, working with materials and their reuse, seeking parallels between recycling materials and recycling one's processes, ideas, and self in artistic creation and life.

Ephemerality as a state of awareness, where the physical disappears, and the spiritual remains – what matters is the duration and the process contained within ephemerality. Transformation – personal, local, transformation of place, cultural center CO.LABS, society, cultural sphere, resources, political movements, cultural centers, cultural institutions, cultural professionals, the status of artists, and much more.

Areas of Artistic Interventions
Artistic interventions by the creators may focus on the following areas (not a condition for selection):

Ephemerality in Art and Creation

  • Ephemeral materiality: Transformation of art over time and space.
  • Ephemeral artistic experience: Uniqueness, temporariness, fleeting nature (anti-composition, anti-replica).
  • Site-specific phenomenon: Reaction to the place and the transience of its use; adaptation and new artistic experiences.
  • Recycling: Reuse of materials and artworks, implications for new artistic creations.
  • Transience of artistic legacy in historical context

Ephemerality in the Operation of Culture/Cultural Organizations

  • Sustainability of art: Lifespan of projects and their funding.
  • Leadership of cultural institutions: Fluctuations in the leadership of cultural institutions, healthy development, transience of leadership, the art of departure, and new beginnings.
  • Archiving vs. transience of artistic outputs
  • Sustainability of artistic institutions' communities: Competition, political environment, gentrification.
  • Cultural advocacy: Systematic communication of cultural institutions with competent authorities and political authorities (associations, forums, symposia, advisory bodies), an ideal model of dialogue, the value-based transience of culture, cultural institutions, and political activism.

Ephemerality in Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives

  • Transience of cultural identity/development of identity as a societal aspect: Influence of political regulations.
  • Transience in times of crisis
  • Transience of art as a concept: Definitions, boundaries.
  • Transience of artistic reflection and dialogue: Absence of critics (financial compensation, generational exchange, permeability).
  • Transience of art in the realm of social media: Viral effect and social media marketing strategies.
  • Effective marketing strategies for promoting unique artistic experiences: Festivals, unique presentations of artistic works.


Residency Outcomes

The outcomes of the residencies can include performative works in the form of work in progress or digital recordings of individual works (video, audio, and others).

This project is supported by the instrument RRF and Czech National recovery plan as of Next Generation EU program, Call No. 0315/2023 - Development of Competences: Projects of International Artistic and Professional Cooperation in the Czech Republic II.

Coordinator of Residencies
Klaudia Klembarová
Email: klaudia.klembarova@colabs.cz 
Phone: +420 605 029 370

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